A Hammer's Sympathy to a Nail



You said there is no love;

It is like saying that 

you have no mother,

You don't have a father, 

a brother, or a sister.

You have no one, you have 

no object of love.



You have no son,
Neither a daughter nor a neighbor;
There is no one needing you,
who ought to love you.
Even God has a mother,
but you have none.
Love for you does not exist.
And mothers represent kindness and love.
And even if you do have a mother,
She is not your mother.
Because she destroyed you.
by somehow teaching you how to hate.
But if your hate is your own creation,
then you're name is Hate.
The motherless child.


You are indeed a bang

the child of the "Big Bang",

someone, who exists out of nothing,

someone who came out without a cause

an imitation of God, someone

whom you claim doesn't exist.


You have no one, you have nothing.

You have no life. All you have is you.

Your own nothingness, your emptiness

that you want to share; Take it all,

you, who is a giver of nothing.

Go and enjoy 

your twisted bliss


No! You are not a moron;
The term does not do you justice.
You are not foolish or stupid either.
For you are a clever person
with a distorted intellect.


You’ve made it!
You're worse than a fool now.
You have evolved.
You are now the evolutionist
that you've wanted to be.


And you speak of compassion

as if you have anything to give.

This day you are unmasked.

Your duplicity and cowardice are revealed.

You have no love, therefore,

you have no care.

Your concern is but

a shallow water

that but  makes noise 

and doesn't quench thirst.


The wise are right after all,

"Those who have no love

although breathing is dead and lifeless. "

I beg you, if you indeed have sympathy,

at the very least, die alone.

We don’t want your help.

We don't want your pretentious kindness,

and your illusory freedom.


Please forgive me.

if my empathy is harsh.

If at this moment, I am a hammer

applying forcefully my brand

of sympathy to a nail. 



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